Sunday, June 19, 2016 at 4:38 AM with
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Date: 5/25/2016
Name: Chu Chu / HellO
Format: CD / MP3
Singer: Nishiuchi Mariya [西内まりや]
Background: Pop soloist and model Nichiuchi Mariya's 5th released single. Released on the same day of her first live event of 2016.
(1) Chu Chu
(2) HellO
music video
Song Commentary:
Chu Chu is a colorful retro pop song with a music video themed the same way to match. Mariya's soft vocals and adorable simplistic dancing makes the music video a fun treat to watch and the song a nice dancing-alone-in-your-room-at-4am tune.
[Extra] Writer's Thoughts:
Favorite Mariya song hands down. Love the energy she's putting into the music video.