Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 5:11 AM with
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Date: 11/11/2015
Name: Lollipop Syndrome [Lollipop シンドローム]
Format: CD / MP3
Singer: Bonjour Suzuki [ボンジュール鈴木]
Background: Rapper and singer Bonjour Suzuki's second EP.
(1) Lollipop シンドローム
(2) パーティーがはじまるよ
(3) close to me
(4) 金魚
(5) Lovin’ You
(6) サヨナラ
music video
Album Commentary:
The dreamy voiced rapper Bonjour Suzuki is back with her second EP release. Often compared to fellow female alternative rapper DAOKO, Suzuki is still very unique with her style and form. In Lollipop Syndrome Suzuki goes for an even more whimsical vibe than usual; featuring her first music video and a dreamy fantasy-forest sort of theme. It's beautiful and fantastical and I love it.
Labels: alternative, ep, soloist