Saturday, June 18, 2016 at 6:01 PM with
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Date: 6/8/2016
Name: Little Trip
Format: CD / MP3
Singer: Ray
Background: Solo singer and seiyuu Ray's third full studio album release. Includes several previously released singles used as anime theme songs, and some new tracks as well for a total of thirteen songs.
(1) Wonderful Catcher
(2) 初めてガールズ!
(3) Wonder Little Trip
(4) Lovely Storm
(5) secret arms
(6) Brand New Sky
(7) 季節のシャッター
(8) a-gain
(9) 星
(10) Confession
(11) 君に会いに行こう
(12) My Future
(13) 約束train
album preview
Album Commentary:
Ray kicks off her long awaited third album loud and full of energy in the boldly happy Wonderful Catcher acting as track number one. She doesn't really take on many different styles, all her songs sound worthy of official anisong status. But that's what she is; an anisong singer, so this album is certainly one that shows off her time in the business. Much like in the album TRY! by Chigusa Haruka; Ray tones it all the way back down for her last song (track 13). It's not slow or mellow enough to be considered a ballad but it's certainly a few notches down from Wonderful Catcher.
[Extra] Writer's Thoughts:
Ray was one of the first JPOP artists I stumbled across in the very early days of my newly found JPOP obsession. While she didn't go one to become one of my top ten despite being one of the first for me to discover, she's still a rather nostalgic favorite for me and I humbly admit to owning her past two full length albums as well.