Sunday, June 19, 2016 at 1:12 PM with
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Date: 12/9/2015
Name: Daijoubu, Kimi nara [大丈夫、君なら]
Format: CD / MP3
Singer: heliotrope
Background: female led alternative pop band heliotrope's first album.
(1) ツミキ
(2) あさくら
(3) Don’t wake her up
(4) 春
(5) 失敗の味
(6) さようなら
(7) 栞
(8) 家族の声
(9) 大きな文字が降ってきて
music video
Album Commentary:
heliotrope's first album is a release made up of mellow and soft pop-rock tunes coupled with a gentle voiced singer. If you're looking for something to jam out to you might want to look elsewhere because DKN is not really something for the hard-rock enthusiast. If you like more relaxed band pieces though, this album is a good pick.